Status update

Posted by Adam Weber on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 17:01

In light of hitting the one year mark on having the blog up, I thought it would be fun to do an update on the status of the project. We started the blog when we were about a year into the project. Now, over two years in the making, the script for volume 1 is written and we’re writing volume 2 (out of 5), Shane is working on layouts for the first chapter, Glen is experimenting with character design, and Austin and I are working on a… super secret project in the background. (insert nerdy smiley face here)

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Hackberry Hollow on Facebook

Posted by Glen Moyes on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 15:15


Now that we’ve had a blog for a year (to the day incidentally), we’ve decided we should expand Hackberry Hollow into the realm of social networking because—well, everyone else is doing it. Along with something else that everyone is doing, which we’ll announce later today, Hackberry Hollow now has a Facebook page. So if you have a Facebook account be sure to become a fan.

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Environment Concept Art 16

Posted by Glen Moyes on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 17:48


I’ve been doing some more detailed work for the desert ninja environment, as well as coming up with a style for the art in their culture.

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Environment Concept Art 15

Posted by Glen Moyes on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 18:14


This is a follow-up to a post made late last October about one of the environments in the comic. I finally got around to putting more time into developing the style for the architecture, and this is where we’re at right now.

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And now for something completely different

Posted by Glen Moyes on Tuesday, March 2, 2010 20:26

concept art-01-tn


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Environment Concept Art 14

Posted by Glen Moyes on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 14:50


This post is swift like ninja! Swift ninja post after jump!

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A “later this week” update. (part 2)

Posted by Glen Moyes on Sunday, February 21, 2010 1:03

Here’s the concept art…as promised! Take that Adam.


More info and potentially humiliating pictures of Adam after the jump.

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A “later this week” update. (part 1)

Posted by Adam Weber on Saturday, February 20, 2010 23:39

You may recall earlier this week the following from Glen’s post on color blindness (emphasis added):


Now I’m not one to force honesty on other team members, or at least dependability, but I figure a bit of persuasion never hurts. I even added “part 1” to the title of this post. See how subtle I am? It’s still subtle if you point it out, right?

Read on for a fun status update of this project.

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On the Issue of Color Blindness

Posted by Glen Moyes on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 3:00


This past week gaming sites such as Kotaku, Rock Paper Shotgun and others have been covering an unfortunate gameplay mechanic in the recently released Bioshock 2. It has a hacking minigame where it is necessary for the player to identify red and green bars. The problem is that apparently 7-10% of males (and 0.5% of females) are color blind and couldn’t tell the difference.

I didn’t realize how common color blindness is, and since I’ve been living and breathing Hackberry Hollow I quickly realized that our magic system is color coded which will cause problems for our color blind readership. So, how will color affect our color blind readers and how are we planning to address the issue?

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Environment Concept Art (Lucky) 13

Posted by Glen Moyes on Tuesday, February 9, 2010 20:11

Down the road and about 10 hours later from last week’s post we have this scene. And no, those street lights are not electric.


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